Ms. Babita Singh has been conferred with the International Women of Courage Award -2022

Ms. Babita Singh has been conferred with the International Women of Courage Award -2022
Babita is an award winning Cyber law professional based out of UAE and spearheads her Digital conglomerate SANGUINE which specialises in practising the art & science of Reputation Management spread across Africa, UAE and India.
Babita , an avid Humanitarian is the founder & member of Madhyam - Ek sahyog , which is non-profit organisation working towards women & children. She is closely associated with number of NGO in India and Abroad dedicated to change for Childhood Cancer in India.
Babita has spent her time in India and Africa supporting various initiatives for the underprivileged and especially causes related to women & children. Her various initiatives include blood donation camps , in association with Police officials to curb the shortage of blood in hospitals in pandemic times reaching out to serve 50000 homes, to adopting a village for Livelihood projects post pandemic to support governments initiatives, to promote women’s hygeine and awarenesss in remote areas , to setup dedicated toilet facilities for NCC cadets , setup various public and youth initiatives in different countries for members to follow path, are to name a few of them.
Babita spearheads her digital conglomerate Sanguine in 3 continents and has received many awards for her Meritorious Service and her niche expert services have been often covered among popular editorials, dailies and TV programs worldwide.
Event: 12th International Human Rights Summit & Awards 2022
December 10’2022 5.00 Pm
At India Islamic Cultural Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
Event Coordinator: Dr. June Ann, Dr.Mustafa Attarwala, Mr. Tej Thapa, Ms. Gazala Noor
Event Organised By All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice
In Association with Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, Leh UT Ladakh, International Human Rights Advisory Council (IHRAC), Indian Press Trust, Board of Global Ambassador for Human Rights and Peace (GAHRP), National Council Of News & Broadcasting (NCNB), Asian Human Rights Council (AHRC) , Amnesty Worldwide (AW) , Universal Mission For Peace And Harmony (UMPH) And International Press and Broadcasting Association (INBA) & International Council for Environmental Protection, Conservation Of Forests And Other Natural Resources
The Awards were presented at a simple ceremony, has taken place in DELHI in the presence of galaxy of prominent, Members, dignitaries, guests from all the sectors i.e. Government officials from various states, Human Rights Commission, Social Activists, Religious Leaders, Social NGO, Foreign Diplomat, United Nation, Ministers, Member Of Parliament, IAS, IPS, Judiciary, Advocates, Sports, Film Industry, RWA, Journalists, Bureaucrats, Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Law Colleges, Universities, School, etc. from all over India and Globally.
Amazing and min-blowing performance was done by Children from KIIT World School, Pitampura, Manav Rachna International School, Sec 14, Faridabad
That All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS), is functioning with commitment to the Noble Cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for All, Economic Upliftment of the Underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship, National & International Integration by Exchange of Ideas & Ethos in India and also amongst the neighboring countries and the people of the rest of the World at large.
Prominent Presenters & Speakers
1. His Holiness Venerable Bhikkhu Sanghasena, Spiritual Director/Founder President, Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre, Leh (UT Ladakh)
2. His Holiness Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni Ji
3. Major General (Dr.) Rajan Kochhar VSM (Retd)
4. BK Dr. Binny Sareen
5. Most Rev. Bishop George Palliparambil.
6. Dr. Umer Ahmed Illyasi, Chief Imam and Hon’ble President, All India Imam Association, New Delhi.
7. Dr. Anthony Raju, Advocate Supreme Court of India, Global Chairman All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice, New Delhi.
8. Dr. June Ann Passanah, Global chairman of Amnesty Worlds Wide Movement for Women Rights, Chairperson (Women Wing) of all Indian Council of Human Rights.
9. Prof. K. K. Aggarwal
10. H.E.Prof.Dr.Zahid Haque
11. Major (Dr.) Mohammad Ali Shah
12. Janab Sirajuddin Qureshi Saheb
13. Dr. N C Wadhwa (IAS)
Prominent Awardees 2022
8th Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam World Peace Award
Shoolini University
Eminent University CSR Excellence Award
Dr.Chadaram Sivaji
Eminent Vice Chancellor
Eminent Ambassador for Peace and Media Reforms
Fr.C.M Paul
BK Dr. Mruthyunjaya
Eminent Social Reformer
Major(Dr.) Mohommed Ali Shah
Prakash Lal
Rakesh Wadhwa
Malaka Bhaskar Reddy
Dr. Kiran Reddy
Dr. Sundeep Mishra
Dr TBS Buxi
Nitin Gupta
International Women of Courage Award
Babita Singh , Dubai
Samina Kanchwala, India
Aliya Hamid , Bangladesh
Smily Mukta Ghoshal, USA
Radha Poudel, Nepal
Dr. Zarine Manchanda, India