Saturday, February 08, 2025
Quick News:

Funding & Budget

  1. monitoring the international pressAll India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice is an independent, nongovernmental organization, supported by contributions from private individuals, Memberships and foundations worldwide. It accepts no government funds, directly or indirectly
  2. To Plan ways and means to implement various activities to achieve Aims & Objects Globally.
  3. To and also to implement any activity (only with prior approval of National Governing Body of AICHLS ) which are not listed in aims & objects of AICHLS.
  4. To enroll new primary members time to time as per the guidelines, directions & approval of NGB.
  5. Generate income from various sources such as :
  6. $1· Donations
  7. $1· Publications
  8. $1· Memberships
  9. $1· Subscriptions
  10. $1· Other Sources


We often have volunteering opportunities across our offices. We currently have over thousands of volunteers supporting the work that we do, making invaluable contributions to the organisation in the time that they spend with us.

Volunteers are a treasured resource for the organisation and their contributions have made the AICHLS movement what it is. Should you wish to volunteer your time to AICHLS you may be asked to assist our work through such things as:

  • monitoring the international press
  • translating
  • undertaking research tasks
  • participating in online communities
  • raising funds assisting our human rights education
  • supporting human resources and accounting programmes
  • or loaning your own specialist expertise to an area of our work
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